December 2004
Energy of Places? Enjoy It!!!

I am learning more and more about the energy of places.

My first note right one year ago concerned this very topic. Case studies on positive influence of high energy of a place on sexuality and another one describing a devastating influence of moving office from a place with high energy (noble site) into a real energy sucker place and how negatively it influenced output and health of employees... were take off my website for concern the subjects could be recognized.

And I am back again with some more realizations:

1) I was looking for a place in Europe that would have the best possible energy for healing, learning and actualizing certain hidden gifts in people. I found a place that has energy of 100 million% - in comparison with an average 100% that most of us are used to live/work in. Let's call that blessed place "L".

I went there with a client to train him dowsing/ divination and the outcome was incredibly fast and powerful and none of us was tired even after hours and hours of unceasing work and practicing. Besides our cooperation brought new concepts that seem to be useful for general use... and an unexpected outcome - see 2).

I made the decision to go to "L" and do the training as it seemed to me this place worked as a necessary catalyzer of dormant talents and indeed this high energy was exactly what it took to wake the dowsing/ divination ability up.

My estimate is "L" would be a blessing for about 90% of people in population in the sense that this place prompts the inner psychological and spiritual development... it seems what has been preparing, what has been in process innerly already, in unconsciousness, is speeded up and surfaces/is realized in consciousness much faster.

Besides, I think, "L" has an unspecific healing influence on the organism as a whole i.e. somatic influence as well.

Duration of a stay in "L" can be obviously "prescribed" by a clairvoyant based on inner needs of a concrete individual... in the lengths from several days to about a month... which might have serious financial consequences as "L" is not quite an inexpensive place at dwell in.

2) I think one can become independent of the energy of a place - in other words even living in a place with low energy doesn't have to drain an individual if he or she has certain programming that makes one immune to the influence of energetically unfitting places and if one is able to refill energy from other sources.

I realized it in my case and in the case of the client with whom we spent the time in "L". One of the effects after return seemed exactly such independence on the energy of various places that is of course an invaluable capacity for everybody.

3) I keep being reminded again and again that people mostly ignore these facts and so endanger their (and their children's) somatic and mental health, work/learning efficiency, marriage, personal development and whatever else can be influenced by not keeping in mind that it might be highly risky to dwell or to move to a place that is not evaluated from a point of view of its energy.

The evaluation can be done by a local dowser or from distance or by more dowsers to exclude possible mistake. The price of such evaluation is negligible in comparison with loads of money and stress people spend at every moving and furnishing a new flat or working space.

Or should we formulate it from a positive point of view: Living/working in a place that has optimal energy concerning the needs of concrete dwellers/workers is like having an energy supply for free - and truly enjoying it!!!

Prague, Czech Republic, December 2004

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Text by Jan Jilek,
Copyright © Jan Jilek, contact